Legs Bums and Tums Home Workout Pack
The Plan
A persons’ legs, bum, and tum areas are often considered the worst parts of the body when it comes to shifting unwanted fat. Our ‘Legs, Bums and Tums Home Workouts’ are a fun filled way to help tone those wobbly bits. This home workout pack is particularly popular with women who are keen to improve their overall body shape.
Legs, Bums & Tums is great for anyone who wants to lose weight, as it is fantastic calorie burning workout which targets targeting those problem areas. It is also great for those who just generally want to get fit and raise their stamina with some aerobic exercise.
Achieve a firmer bum, tum and leaner legs by purchasing our ‘Legs, Bums & Tums’ workouts. By doing one of these 6 designated workout 3 times a week, you will see an overall improvement within a few weeks!